
Will My Unsightly Veins Eventually Go Away on Their Own?

Sep 19, 2024
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Unsightly veins, typically on the legs, appear with age and dissuade you from wearing shorts. Don’t wait for them to go away on their own — try this instead.

Have you noticed twisting, bulging, or darkened blood vessels rising to your skin’s surface? These are varicose veins, and they commonly appear with age or during pregnancy. They happen when the valves in your blood vessels that typically carry blood against gravity become faulty, which leads to blood pooling in those vessels. 

Many people find their varicose veins unsightly, thus altering their wardrobe decisions to avoid putting those veins on display. Some might also experience some irritation from varicose veins. 

If you’re waiting for yours to disappear on their own, you shouldn’t expect much change. In fact, varicose veins can get worse with time if you maintain a sedentary lifestyle. 

One exception to the rule is varicose veins that appear during pregnancy. These veins typically disappear around 2-3 weeks after you give birth. It’s also important to note that unsightly veins that have vanished with treatment may only be gone temporarily, with other varicose veins eventually developing in the same area. 

In any case, dermatologist Vitaly Blatnoy, MD, and the team at Orlando Dermatology Center in Oviedo and Orlando, Florida, can assist with reducing and preventing varicose veins. 

How varicose veins form

Some people get severe varicose veins while others have few or none of them. Factors that can contribute to the process include:

  • Age-related vein stiffening and loss of elasticity
  • Family history
  • Standing or sitting for long periods of time
  • Excess body weight
  • Tobacco use
  • Restrictive clothing (e.g., tight pants or shapewear)
  • Hormone changes due to birth control or menopause
  • Certain health conditions

With our team, you can discuss the specific risk factors related to your varicose veins. By identifying and addressing them, you might be able to delay the formation of varicose veins or make them less prominent. 

Reducing your veins’ appearance at home

Smaller varicose veins might shrink with home care to improve leg circulation. After examining your veins of concern, they might recommend:

  • Getting regular exercise
  • Changing positions often while standing or sitting for a long time
  • Resting with your legs elevated
  • Wearing compression stockings

Adhering to these recommendations can also prevent new varicose veins from forming. 

Treatments we offer for varicose veins

Laser vein removal is a professional service available at Orlando Dermatology Center to eliminate varicose veins. 

Our board-certified dermatologists can target specific veins with powerful laser energy. The energy heats, constricts, and collapses the targeted vessel without harming nearby skin or other structures. 

After a leg vein treatment, your blood reroutes through other vessels in the area as the treated vein no longer provides a viable route. Your body eventually absorbs the former vessel entirely. 

Our team at Orlando Dermatology Center supports you during the recovery after laser vein removal. Your follow-up care might include compression stockings, ice packs, and sun protection. 

Explore treatments today

Our team can make personalized recommendations and plan effective treatment for unsightly veins. Call your nearest Orlando Dermatology Center or book an appointment online to review your options today.